• Phone: +966 12 2889461
  • info@arcon-ksa.com
  • Head Office: 3rd Industrial City – Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


GGLASS LINED STEEL TANKS FOR WATER STORAGE APPLICATIONS Glass fused-to-steel tanks are used for a variety of liquid storage applications. Potable Water, Wastewater, Equalization, Sludge, Land fill Leachate, Brine, Trickling Filters, Sequential Batch Reactors (SBR), Frac Storage, Aerobic and Anerobic Digesters are just some of the many applications that can benefit from the use of this type of tank. countryside on local farms. Glass coated bolted steel tanks were recognized for their superior coating and quality and were introduced into the liquid storage market, where they dominate today. GLS tanks are used in a variety of configurations from standpipes, reservoirs and most recently Composite Elevated (CET) designs. Standpipes are tanks where pressure is required to properly feed the system and the water is elevated in a tall column to achieve this. The tank height is larger than the tank diameter. Glass fused-to-steel tanks are often placed in areas, where long term visual appearance is desired.

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